Bia Affonso

🇦🇺 AUSTRALIA • Partner | Futures Thinking | Ways of Working | Wellbeing

Bia, short for Beatriz, hails all the way from Brazil, with a brief Melbourne stint before landing in sunny Queensland.

Bia is like that kid you wanted to hate for being so brilliant at everything, but is just so lovely, you can’t help but love her. This multifaceted gem has been a Journalist, Futurist, Executive, and Health Coach. A true chameleon, she’s reinvented herself multiple times throughout her career, swinging between specialist and generalist roles. She’s the seeker of fresh ideas and new ways of doing things.

Her passion for health and well-being isn’t just skin deep; it’s about unraveling what hinders people from thriving, not just in health but also in their thinking and approach to work. Back in Brazil, Bia turned her passion into a thriving business, helping others boost their well-being through online programs.

At Neu21, she deploys these skills to lead and coach teams, conduct enlightening sessions, guide leaders, and propel growth, all in the quest to transform organisations and discover improved ways of working. She firmly believes that work doesn’t have to be a dreary, and we promise, with Bia in the room it definitely won’t be!

Bia is a pragmatic idealist who’s all about igniting change and unlocking human potential. And when she’s not on a mission to regenerate the world, you can find her indulging in chats about health hacks, delving into controversial topics, exploring astrology, savouring organic food, experimenting with essential oils, and doting on her lovable family.