Part 2/4: Collaboration does not always = authenticity

Yes - Collaboration is a buzzword, sung (& overused) by business professionals – us too. The idea seems simple enough: bring together different minds, skill sets, and perspectives, and you'll get something greater than the sum of its parts. With these collaborative efforts promising innovation, efficiency, and success. Yet, beneath the surface, there is always more of a reality to explore – e.g., collaboration doesn't always equate to authenticity. 
Beyond the Buzz, authentic collaboration is more than just a strategic partnership. It's a synergy where individuals come together not just to achieve a common goal but to genuinely connect, appreciate each other's uniqueness, and create something meaningful. It's about honesty, openness, and a shared vision that goes beyond the confines of a project, business deal, piece of work... 

And at the heart of authentic collaboration lies trust – the foundation on which genuine partnerships are built. Trust is not just about believing in someone's abilities; it's about having confidence in their character. It involves vulnerability, the courage to expose your uncertainties and flaws. Authentic collaboration thrives when individuals trust not only in their own capabilities but also in the intentions and capabilities of those they are working alongside.  

Building from the trust being at the heart, transparent communication is then the lifeline. It's not just about sharing progress reports and updates (yes there’s a place for that too); it's about expressing concerns, ideas, and even fears openly. Inauthentic collaborations often suffer from a lack of genuine communication, where words are chosen carefully, and real thoughts remain unspoken, and don’t get us wrong,  it’s normal for humans to be reserved, to keep our guard up, to wonder if we might come across the wrong way… and then again, what's the worst that can happen – we appear more human?... 
When collaboration lacks authenticity, it becomes a mere transaction. Work driven purely by profit margins or professional convenience lack the depth that authentic collaborations offer. In these cases, the human element lessens, and trust is lost quickly. Once trust fades, we know the collaborative effort weakens, and the potential for innovation and success dwindles. Of course, it’s still possible to deliver without authenticity, but can everyone really say they are proud of the outcome when we do?  
Consider the tale of us (Mari and Kara) – introduced in Part 1 . While our collaboration led to success, the journey was fraught with challenges, and we have no doubt that we wouldn’t have worked through these challenges, timely or as successfully without first building the foundation and then the lifeline.  

While that story portrays a successful outcome, not all collaborative ventures end this way. Genuine collaboration demands effort, self-reflection, and a willingness to embrace the discomfort of vulnerability. It's not always about blind teamwork but also about acknowledging individual strengths and weaknesses.  
To wrap up, we agree collaboration is a powerful tool, but its authenticity decides its true impact. Embracing authenticity in collaboration requires a shift in mindset – from viewing partnerships as mere business strategies to valuing them as profound human connections.  

When authenticity becomes the focus, the results are not just seen in the work completed but also in the relationships formed, the personal growth achieved, and the positive impact made on the world – ooh yes, we went big!  

So, the next time you collaborate, ask yourself: Is this truly authentic? The answer just might be to redefine your approach.  


Part 3/4: Authentic Collaboration = Transformation


Part 1/4: The Power of Collaboration