Bringing a Circular Design Program to Life

XLabs - Circularity

Circularity is a circular design and innovation partner, that focuses on working with businesses to solve the environmental challenges of 'business as usual'. By applying Circular methodologies on top of existing resources, products and processes they help shape a future that works with nature, instead of against it.

In 2020, Circularity was putting on New Zealand’s first Circular Economy Program XLabs together with Auckland Unlimited which saw 12 Circular ideas spring to life for companies such as Goodstuff, Fletcher Building, The Warehouse Group and Auckland Transport. We helped Circularity to rapidly shape and test their Circular Sprint concepts with real customers to draw valuable insights into shaping the final XLabs product.



"How might we establish an "NZ First" Circularity program to guide businesses in adopting circular processes and mindsets, effectively integrating digital and physical elements to provide optimal support, and ultimately develop a validated product that delivers a transformative experience right from its inception?"


By identifying running a Design Sprint, we were able to tackle their most critical questions to help shape a successful XLabs programme

“We can also train you and your team to run Innovation and UX Sprints on your own to further enable change within your business.”

Pablo Dunovits
XD at Neu

The Results —

Giving XLabs the confidence and insights needed to progress the concepts into a full scale program

Confidence & insights

Interacting with Stakeholders during the process of designing a “NZ first” gave credibility to the program


Faster speed to market

Our agile design delivery methods allowed the marketing and development swim lanes to move from week one.

Clear direction for the product team

User research that validated new opportunities to add value to the academyEX experience.

“Neu21 led our first design sprint where we prototyped the XLabs program and adapted it directly via feedback from businesses. With this prototype and the resulting feedback, we were able to understand how best to deliver our program. Osynlig’s Design Sprint expertise guided us seamlessly from concept to ideation and prototyping which informed the final XLabs program.”

Louise Nash
Founder of Circularity / XLabs


Digital Boost


Mind Lab Kids